
The string.upper() function in Lua is used to convert all lowercase letters in a string to their uppercase counterparts. This function is useful for text formatting, normalization, or comparison purposes where case sensitivity may be an issue.




  • Name

    The string to be converted to uppercase.

Return Value

Returns a new string with all lowercase letters converted to uppercase. Non-letter characters remain unchanged.


Example 1: Basic Uppercase Conversion

Converting a simple string to uppercase.

Example 1

local result = string.upper("hello world")
print(result)  -- Output: HELLO WORLD

Example 2: String with Mixed Case

Handling a string with mixed case letters.

Example 2

local result = string.upper("Lua Programming")
print(result)  -- Output: LUA PROGRAMMING

Example 3: Non-Letter Characters

Demonstrating that non-letter characters are unchanged.

Example 3

local result = string.upper("hello, world! 123")
print(result)  -- Output: HELLO, WORLD! 123

Example 4: Empty String

Behavior when passing an empty string.

Example 4

local result = string.upper("")
print(result)  -- Output: (empty string)

Use Cases

  • Text Normalization: Ensuring uniformity in string comparisons.
  • Formatting: Preparing strings for display by converting them to uppercase.

See also

  • string.lower(): Converts all uppercase letters in a string to lowercase, useful for case-insensitive comparisons.

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