math.huge is a constant in lua that represents the float value HUGE_VAL, which is greater than any other numeric value.



Return value

The value of math.huge is a positive infinity.


math.huge is a special constant that is used to represent positive infinity. It can be utilized in mathematical calculations to signify an unbounded upper limit.


Using math.huge

print(math.huge)               -- inf
print(math.huge + 1)           -- inf
print(math.huge * 2)           -- inf
print(1 / math.huge)           -- 0
print(math.huge == math.huge)  -- true

See also

  • math.isinf(x)
    Checks if x is positive or negative infinity.

  • math.isnan(x)
    Checks if x is NaN (not a number).

  • math.abs(x)
    Returns the absolute value of x.

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