
The string.char() function converts numeric ASCII (or Unicode) values into their corresponding characters. It is commonly used to construct strings programmatically, perform encoding tasks, or debug character-level data.


string.char(value1, value2, ...)


  • Name
    value1, value2, ...

    A sequence of numeric ASCII (or Unicode) values to be converted into characters. Each value must be a valid code point (e.g., between 0 and 255 for ASCII).

Return Value

The function returns:

  • A string constructed by converting the provided numeric values into their corresponding characters.


Example 1: Convert a single numeric value to a character

The function converts one ASCII value to its corresponding character.

Example 1


-- Output: A

Example 2: Convert multiple numeric values into a string

The function combines multiple ASCII values into a string.

Example 2

print(string.char(72, 101, 108, 108, 111)) 

-- Output: Hello

Example 3: Use Unicode values

You can use numeric Unicode values for non-ASCII characters as long as they are valid code points.

Example 3

print(string.char(195, 169)) 

-- Output: é (Unicode for 'é')

Example 4: Combine with string.byte()

You can use string.char() to reverse the effect of string.byte().

Example 4

local byteValues = {string.byte("Lua", 1, 3)}
local reconstructed = string.char(table.unpack(byteValues))


-- Output: Lua

Example 5: Constructing special characters

You can construct strings with special characters using their ASCII values.

Example 5

print(string.char(33, 36, 64)) 

-- Output: !$@

Example 6: Handling invalid values

Invalid numeric values result in an error. Ensure the values are within the valid range.

Example 6

-- print(string.char(300)) 
-- Error: bad argument #1 to 'char' (value out of range)

Use Cases

  • Decoding: Convert numeric representations of characters back into readable strings.
  • String Construction: Dynamically build strings programmatically.
  • Debugging: Analyze or reconstruct encoded string data.

See also

  • string.byte(): Converts characters in a string into their numeric ASCII (or Unicode) values. This is essentially the reverse of string.char().
  • string.format(): Useful when combining formatted text with dynamically generated characters.
  • string.pack(): Packs data into a binary string, which may use characters for encoding.

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