Who Maintains LuaDocs?
LuaDocs is an independent project created by Aurelian Spodarec in 2022. The documentation is actively maintained by Aurelian alongside contributions from the community.
Currently, the creator of LuaDocs, Aurelian Spodarec, serves as the documentation lead, dedicating part-time effort to maintaining and improving the documentation.
LuaDocs is a labor of passion funded through spare time. If you or your business benefit from LuaDocs, please consider sponsoring us to support the ongoing maintenance of the documentation.
Is LuaDocs Reliable and Well-Maintained?
LuaDocs is meticulously crafted by referencing the official lua book and providing better, modern examples that are thoroughly tested. Every section in the documentation is linked to the corresponding book chapter, ensuring accuracy and reliability. This structured approach guarantees that the content is both trustworthy and easy to follow for developers.
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