The math.tointeger() function attempts to convert a given value to an integer. If the value is convertible to an integer, it returns that integer; otherwise, it returns nil.




  • x: A number or value that you want to convert to an integer.

Return Value

  • If x can be converted to an integer, it returns the integer value.
  • If x cannot be converted to an integer, it returns nil.


The math.tointeger function checks whether the provided value x can be represented as an integer. If it can, the function returns the integer representation; if it cannot (e.g., if x is a non-integer number, NaN, or is outside the range of integers), it returns nil.


Basic usage of math.tointeger()

print(math.tointeger(42))        -- Output: 42
print(math.tointeger(3.14))      -- Output: nil (not an integer)
print(math.tointeger(0))          -- Output: 0
print(math.tointeger(-100))       -- Output: -100
print(math.tointeger(1e6))        -- Output: 1000000
print(math.tointeger(math.huge))  -- Output: nil (not an integer)
print(math.tointeger(5.0))        -- Output: 5 (5.0 is convertible to 5)
print(math.tointeger("42"))       -- Output: nil (string is not convertible)

See also

  • math.floor(): Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number.
  • math.ceil(): Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number.
  • math.modf(): Returns the integer part and the fractional part of a number.

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