
The string.packsize() function in Lua is used to determine the number of bytes that will be needed to pack values based on a specified format string. This is useful for understanding memory requirements when packing data.




  • Name

    A string that specifies the format for which to calculate the size. It should follow the same format codes as used in string.pack().

Return Value

Returns the size in bytes required to pack the given format.

Format Specification

The format string can include various format codes, similar to those used in string.pack(), which determine how values will be packed:

Format CodeDescription
bSigned byte (1 byte).
BUnsigned byte (1 byte).
hSigned short (2 bytes).
HUnsigned short (2 bytes).
lSigned long (4 bytes).
LUnsigned long (4 bytes).
fFloat (4 bytes).
dDouble (8 bytes).
sString (length-prefixed, plus 1 byte for the length).
cCharacter (1 byte).
pPointer (4 bytes).
nNumber of bytes (to be written as unsigned long).


Example 1: Size of Basic Types

Calculate the size needed to pack different types.

Example 1

local size1 = string.packsize("bhlf")  -- For a signed byte, signed short, signed long, and float
print(size1)  -- Output: 10 (1 + 2 + 4 + 4 = 11 bytes)

Example 2: Size of a String

Calculate the size needed to pack a string with a specific format.

Example 2

local size2 = string.packsize("s2")  -- For a string of length 2
print(size2)  -- Output: 3 (2 bytes for the string + 1 byte for the length)

Example 3: Using Multiple Format Codes

Calculate the size for a combination of format codes.

Example 3

local size3 = string.packsize("bHf")  -- For a signed byte, unsigned short, and float
print(size3)  -- Output: 7 (1 + 2 + 4 = 7 bytes)

Use Cases

  • Memory Management: Understanding how much memory is required before packing data.
  • Data Structure Definition: Planning data structure layouts when interfacing with binary formats.

See also

  • string.pack(): Packs values into a binary string based on a specified format.

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